Philosophical Texts:
With Philosophical texts, it’s useful to have a guide alongside. The one’s listed here are a great help when it comes to understanding the meaning of the text and for developing own ideas and arguments
Descartes Meditations & A guide for Descartes Meditations
Nietzsche: Beyond Good and Evil & Nietzsche Guide
Plato, The Republic & The Republic Guide
Philosophy Books: For an Introduction to Philosophy:
Sophie’s World – A novel on the history of Philosophy
Philosophy for Dummies – don’t be put off by the title! This is great for simple explanations of texts and theories.
The Philosophy Files – a brilliant, fun introduction to Philosophy
Think: A Compelling introduction to Philosophy
Philosophy Books for A Level Philosophy:
OCR Philosophy of Religion and Religious Ethics – these are fantastic books for OCR A level, but are also a great introduction and a help for undergraduate Philosophy
a cause is that which brings about a certain effect. i.e that by which an effect is produced.